Monday, June 7, 2010

Never Say Good-bye

We are born into this word with the innocence that can't be matched by anything else in this world. We come to this world, looking to learn. We come to this world, looking to make that impact on those we come in contact with during our life. Do we really know the true impact we can have on people around us?

We walk this Earth, living our lives to the best of our abilities. We take on the tests that life has for us. We conquer those tests, and then we move on. Is there any easy way for us to go on without our loved ones' physical selves being present for us. The answer is no.

We long for their presence. We want to be able to physically hold them and talk to them. We remember the fun times we physically had with them. We remember the long hours on the phone when we first met them. The long hours of walks on the beach or that special place you shared are embedded in our memory for eternity.

All of this, as important as it seems to be at the time, isn't in fact the true reason we miss our loved ones so much. It isn't the physical body that made us love and fall in love with those that mean so much to us. We didn't love them just because they had that radiant smile or bedroom eyes, but rather for the soul that used the physical body as a vessel to get around this earthly plain.

Remember,as you go through times of what seems to be a time of loss, it is only a time for transition. We transition from one form to another. We are always the same soul. We just use the physical body for transportation. Once our transportation breaks down, it is time to transition back to our natural state of being.

Remember, we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. Allow yourself to miss the physical love of our lives, but please never forget that that soul is never gone and that is the true love of your life. It is never a good-bye, but rather a, "See you later and I love you always."

This note was inspired by a beautiful couple who have nothing but true love between them. They are the bright lights that bless this world. That is something no one will ever change.

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