Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How Animals Spiritually Help Us In Our Everyday Lives

Where do animals come from? Do they have past lives and where do they go when their time here is done? Why are they here? What can we learn from our pets and even those who aren't “our” pets? Do pets have life charts as we do?

Animals are very much a gift to us from The Other Side. Personally, I believe that they have not written their own “charts” per se because I believe they are a different phylum then us. Do I believe they come to us for a reason, yes, but I don't believe that they themselves chart themselves to be with us. I believe we may chart for them to be a part of our human lives.

I do know that they each have their own distinctive personalities as we do. I come to this conclusion because of the many animals I have homed over the years as well as the 10 cats and 2 dogs that currently own me. Each one of them have different likes and dislikes which includes different activities and the way they interact with my family. Watching them interact with each other is an exciting experience. When watching them, you can actually understand their language with each other.

The following examples show how my animals have very distinctive personalities.

  • Cuddles – if you ask her for kisses, she will put her nose to yours or even to your lips. She is a big cuddle bug (hence her name). As loving as she is, she doesn't put up with any nonsense from the other cats when they bug her too much.
  • Smokey – He is the oldest of the family. He doesn't like to be held by anyone except my step-dad, but he will jump up on your lap and stay there and let you pet him for hours. He really does rule the house.
  • Beast – He likes to be picked up under his front legs as if a human baby were to reach up for their mother to pick them up. Then while you pick him up, he stretches his body. He loves to play with Lillie, the little dog, as she pulls him by the tail and they love to wrestle.
  • Boo – He will follow you around the house until you pick him up and carry him back to where you are going. He is a lover and is totally content with you petting him.
  • Princess – She doesn't like to be help unless it is on her terms. She can be a little standoffish if she doesn't feel like being bothered. Once she allows you to pet her, you are obligated to pet her until she says no more. Once she gets over stimulated, she will swat at you, no claws, but enough to let you know she is done before she runs away.
  • Angel – He loves to sit on the arm of the couch or chair and if you ask him for a high 5, he will give it to you. He loves to have you pet him and will often throw himself at your feet to have you pet him. He isn't much a hold me kinda kitty though. He is Cuddle's litter mate.
  • Cheyann – She loves to be outside and runs the yard outside. She is Smokey's litter mate. She loves to have you pet her, but she can get over stimulated and she starts huffin and puffin when she is done, but overall she is a lovable kitty. She only comes inside when it is storming out.
  • Cher – Is the smallest of the bunch. (smaller, not youngest) She loves to have you pet her and will “talk” to you if you don't pay attention to her. She is my nephew's cat. That's his “little girl”
  • Sylvester – He is Cher's litter mate. They were born outside as most of my animals were. Sylvester was MEAN when we brought them inside but over time, he became a lovable member of the family. He will talk to you if the food bowl is empty and will knock stuff over if you don't fill the bowls ASAP.
  • Dash – He is the youngest of my cats and he is also super close to my nephew. He acts like the top cat until the other ones let him know who's who in the chain of command. He also loves to play with Lillie. He is actually the original cat that she started pulling around the house by the tail.
  • Lillie – She is smallest of the 2 dogs and she is a poodle/chihuahua. She loves to chase the MALE cats around the house grabbing them by the back of their legs and around their private areas. They love to wrestle with her and she loves to act like one of the cats. She has such an amazing personality that she makes us laugh everyday. She HATES the mailman though.
  • Layla – Is my big dog. She is a sharpei / Shep. At 9 years old, she still loves to play and she is attached to me at the hip. She lives to please and is very protective over the house. She loves the family and loves Lillie. She can be a little apprehensive when around strangers. She would rather just be with the family. She is super sweet.

I know I went off on a tandem with my animals, but they are great examples of how animals have very different personalities. They are their own souls. Although they are cats and dogs, they, like humans, are each very different although they are the same species.

Our pets are nothing but pure love. They come to us for nothing but to help remind us there are entities out there that are nothing but pure unaltered love. They were created to bring us the unconditional love that most of us forget about. They don't care what we wear or where we live. They don't care about our sexual orientation. All they want is to love and to be loved back.

Why is it so hard for us as humans to understand the concept of love as the animals do? Our wonderful pets don't have the ego as we do. Sure they have their moments of wanting to be, “top pet” but for the most part, the ego most dogs have is due to their human parents. The sad part is we as humans don't always see animals for what they are but as a commodity or a prize.

One of the saddest acts of cruelty we portray to animals is dog fighting. How can we as humans condone this brutal act of cruelty. Pitbulls are the number one breed used for this activity.In some countries, this is considered a sport. I find this irresponsible as dog owners. Wouldn't this be considered as trying to “break their spirits”? This isn't always the case though as proven in the case where NFL football player, Michael Vick, was arrested for partaking in a very large Pitbull fighting ring. Michael served his time and I can only pray that he take the time to reflect and spend some quality time with these animals. Some of the dogs had to be humanly destroyed while other went on to loving homes. This is just an example of the loving spirits these magnificent have.

We can learn a lot from the spirit of animals. When you walk into your home after a long day at work, is it not your pets that look forward to your return. When you are having an emotional moment and just someone to cry to and vent without any comments, is it not your pets that listen and don't repeat any of your secrets?

Animals are also very good for healing, much unlike what we would like to believe. Pets have an amazing capability to aid in healing much more then we realize. Pets function on a different vibration level than humans. They can hear, see, and smell much more deeply than humans can. Since animals are pure love, they can absorb your negative emotions and automatically release it to a place where nothing but love exists. Have you ever been down and depressed while having a really draining day, and when you get home, you sit down and your pet sits next to you, and out of the blue, you start to feel better. Our beloved pets have much more to them then they are ever given credit for.

Have you ever been to a hospital or an elderly residential home and seen the reaction that occurs when a dog, cat, or even a rabbit enters the room? The energy of that room totally changes. There have been stories of elderly people who have been bed ridden, suddenly sit up and start walking. It's the healing energy of the pet.

With all of that being said, think about the purity of an animal the next time you want to act out of spite and vengeance. The next time you feel like calling someone a derogatory name, think of the unconditional love our animals give us and pass that love along to others.


Stacy Lupinacci
December 19, 2009

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